We Scaled RELEVANT Organic Rankings, Traffic & Leads for a Leading Fleet Maintenance Software Company

Samuel Edwards
August 27, 2024

Have you ever had to manage a fleet of vehicles for business?

It's hard work.

We've never done it, personally, but we're becoming increasingly familiar with the demands of such an operation.

Maintaining a fleet of vehicles effectively requires constant attention to inspections, conditions, warranties, and more – all while trying to keep costs minimal.

A good fleet maintenance software platform can help in all these respects, but it can't help you unless you know it exists.

That was part of the problem for the fleet maintenance software company that came to us with hopes of accelerating to the top rankings in relevant search engine results pages (SERPs).

It was our pleasure to get behind the wheel and take the fast track to greater organic traffic.

Today, they're one of the best and most visible fleet maintenance software companies on the market.

So how did we get there?

Shifting Gears in the Digital Landscape

Digital marketing is more accessible, yet harder than ever. With so many key competitors fighting for the top spots in SERPs and so many ranking factors to keep track of, it's not straightforward for a business owner to devise or implement an effective SEO strategy.

Admittedly, it's not hard to reach rank 1 for a keyword, assuming you don't have preferences for what that keyword is. There are plenty of long-tail phrases that are unpopular and undesirable enough that even a modicum of SEO investment can put you in the top spot.

But this isn't good enough for a fleet maintenance software company that wants real leads and real sales.

If we were going to truly help this team of fleet maintenance professionals, we would need to adopt a much more strategic, targeted approach.

An 18 Month Campaign: Pedal to the Metal

We had a need for speed – a genuine desire to see results as quickly as possible.

Of course, we were somewhat limited by the nature of SEO, which requires months, and sometimes years of effort to see meaningful results.

That's why we started an 18 month campaign, so we would have plenty of time to flesh out our strategy – and still prioritize relatively quick results.

·       Strategy and keyword analysis. In the SEO world, everything starts with a strategic analysis. We took a look at the fleet maintenance industry, including competitors, and did a close examination of strategically viable keyword targets. For this campaign, we wanted to focus heavily on keywords that were directly relevant to the brand and its customers. There was no reason to try and achieve rankings or traffic for audiences that weren't going to be interested in buying the product.

·       Technical onsite optimization. Good campaigns also rely on technical onsite optimization. We need to make sure that our clients’ websites load consistently, quickly, and across all devices and browsers. We also need to make sure to fulfill as many technical ranking factors as possible.

·       Onsite content development. Strong onsite content is still an ideal foundation for any SEO campaign, as it lends itself to higher website authority, more relevant keyword optimization, and better opportunities for inbound linking.

·       Offsite content and link building. Much of our work focused on establishing a more powerful superhighway leading to this client's website. We developed content featured in a wide range of different offsite publishers for this client, building links throughout the process. This offsite work supported visibility, referral traffic, and of course, higher authority that could lead to higher search engine rankings.

No Breakdowns: A Smooth Ride to the Top of the SERPs

No SEO campaign is without its minor hiccups and deviations. In fact, this is a critical part of the process. As we closely analyzed our own methods and our client’s performance, we were able to learn more about this unique SEO niche – and eventually deploy the tactics necessary to help this fleet maintenance software company dominate their top competitors.

The Well-Oiled Machine

Some of the most impressive results of our efforts include:

·       Exclusively relevant keywords. Some brands can afford to target general audiences. But most people aren't business owners, and most business owners don't have a fleet of vehicles to maintain and manage. Accordingly, we knew we needed to be as specific and highly relevant as possible in our optimization campaign. We targeted relevant keywords almost exclusively, prioritizing and highlighting only the keywords most likely to result in sales.

·       2.5x increase in organic traffic. As a result of our combined SEO tuning efforts, we were able to provide this client with a 2.5-fold increase in organic traffic. In other words, this client is now seeing two and a half times as much traffic from search engines as they were before this campaign started. And because we exclusively targeted relevant keywords, we can be reasonably assured that this traffic is chock full of qualified leads and potential buyers.

·       3x increase in total ranking keywords. We were able to multiply the number of total ranking keywords for this client by a factor of three. They're now appearing in searches for three times as many keywords and phrases. Almost any relevant search for this type of product will feature this brand.

·       4x increase in ranking keywords in positions 1-4. Visibility can be a tricky thing in SEO, as high rankings are disproportionately valuable. For this fleet maintenance software company, we were able to achieve a four-fold increase in ranking keywords in positions 1-4. Positions 1-4 represent roughly the top half of the first page – and websites in these positions receive the lion’s share of the traffic for a given query. These high rankings are largely responsible for the massive increase in organic traffic we were able to provide this client.

Are you ready to hit the road and leave your competitors in the dust?

Are you looking for only the best results for only the most relevant target keywords in your industry?

We’re ready to copilot.

If you’re ready to start the conversation or searching for a digital marketing agency, reach out for a free consultation today!


Samuel Edwards

Chief Marketing Officer

Throughout his extensive 10+ year journey as a digital marketer, Sam has left an indelible mark on both small businesses and Fortune 500 enterprises alike. His portfolio boasts collaborations with esteemed entities such as NASDAQ OMX, eBay, Duncan Hines, Drew Barrymore, Price Benowitz LLP, a prominent law firm based in Washington, DC, and the esteemed human rights organization Amnesty International. In his role as a technical SEO and digital marketing strategist, Sam takes the helm of all paid and organic operations teams, steering client SEO services, link building initiatives, and white label digital marketing partnerships to unparalleled success. An esteemed thought leader in the industry, Sam is a recurring speaker at the esteemed Search Marketing Expo conference series and has graced the TEDx stage with his insights. Today, he channels his expertise into direct collaboration with high-end clients spanning diverse verticals, where he meticulously crafts strategies to optimize on and off-site SEO ROI through the seamless integration of content marketing and link building.