How Our Marketing Team Brought Video Production Company 7x More Organic Traffic

Timothy Carter
September 10, 2024

We recently had an opportunity to work with a leading video production company, in pursuit of higher search rankings, more organic traffic, and more leads.

And at the risk of sounding arrogant, I think we knocked it out of the park.

In this brief case study, we're going to take a look at the strategic elements that helped us allow this video production company to see better results – and show off the fruits of our tactical approach.

The Situation

Running a video production company isn’t easy.

This video production company, in particular, faced two massive challenges.

First, the video production industry is extremely competitive. There are literally thousands of agencies and individuals specializing in video production competing for a finite amount of online visibility – and a finite number of clients. Getting visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) for such highly contested keywords and phrases isn't exactly a cakewalk.

Second, this video production company relied almost entirely on word of mouth for lead generation. There's nothing wrong with word-of-mouth advertising or leaning heavily on referrals from previous clients, especially when you do good work. But it's not especially consistent at generating leads, and it's definitely not very scalable.

This company knew they would need to change things if they wanted to succeed in this competitive digital marketing world.

That's where we came in.

The Campaign

The most important elements of our campaign included:

·       Initial analysis. We started with an initial analysis, examining the structure of their website, their current target keywords and search results positions, and their current efforts with onsite content and offsite link building. We wanted to pinpoint promising areas for development and get a feel for the efforts they've already made.

·       Highly targeted link building. From there, we began a highly targeted link building campaign. Rather than trying to build as many links as possible, we aimed for quality over quantity and tried to acquire only extremely high authority, very relevant links. We ended up building 47 links on referring domains with high domain authority and topical relevance to video production.

·       Valuable keyword targeting. Similarly, we focused on only the most strategically valuable keywords and phrases, identifying keywords that were high in search volume, high in relevance to prospects, and relatively low in competition. This way, we could maximize the value of our efforts.

·       SEO page tuning. We also practiced SEO page tuning heavily for this client. In case you aren't familiar, SEO page tuning is a strategy focused on making hundreds of little tweaks to target pages to make them more relevant and more authoritative in the eyes of Google and other search engines. Even tiny adjustments, like adjusting phrases and reorganizing page sections, can make a massive difference. Thanks to Google’s new content search ranking identifier, it’s easier than ever to analyze exactly what’s missing from your internal pages so you can tweak them to perfection.

·       Internal linking. Additionally, we prioritized an overhaul of internal linking. Google loves to see websites with intricate, intuitive internal linking networks, as this facilitates a smoother user experience while simultaneously making it easier to understand the purpose and relationships of each page.

·       18 months of growth. We continued our efforts for a stretch of 18 months, gradually and iteratively adjusting our approach as we gathered more data about our client’s performance. By the end of this 18-month campaign, this video production company was in a much better digital marketing spot.

The Results

Here are the most important results we have to show as results of our efforts:

·       Top rankings for “video production.” Our client now ranks in (or close to) the top position for keywords similar to “video production,” alongside major competitors who have 13 times their revenue. They can now contend with some of the biggest names in the industry.

·       Dominance of valuable keywords. Our client also ranks in the top 5 positions for each of their most desired and targeted money terms. These keywords and phrases are highly relevant for leads and prospects, making top rankings even more valuable.

·       A 7x increase in traffic. From the start of the campaign, our client saw a sevenfold increase in traffic to their website. That means seven times as much visibility, seven times as many potential leads, and seven times the total impact of the website.

·       ~7 highly qualified corporate leads per week. This video production company had practically zero consistent leads before we got involved. Now, they get on average seven highly qualified corporate leads every week.

We helped this video production company completely revolutionize their approach to SEO, traffic generation, and lead generation.

And they’re not alone.

In fact, they’re just one of hundreds of companies and individuals we’ve guided over the years.

And you could be next.

If you’re ready to see massive increases in your search visibility, traffic, lead flow, and sales, the first step is a free consultation with us – so reach out today!


Timothy Carter

Chief Revenue Officer

Timothy Carter is a digital marketing industry veteran and the Chief Revenue Officer at Marketer. With an illustrious career spanning over two decades in the dynamic realms of SEO and digital marketing, Tim is a driving force behind Marketer's revenue strategies. With a flair for the written word, Tim has graced the pages of renowned publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, Marketing Land, Search Engine Journal, and ReadWrite, among others. His insightful contributions to the digital marketing landscape have earned him a reputation as a trusted authority in the field. Beyond his professional pursuits, Tim finds solace in the simple pleasures of life, whether it's mastering the art of disc golf, pounding the pavement on his morning run, or basking in the sun-kissed shores of Hawaii with his beloved wife and family.