7 Necessary Skills for the Adept Content Marketer

Samuel Edwards
January 12, 2021

When you first get started in the content marketing game, you only need to know the basics: how to write a decent piece of content (or source one), how to publish it on your blog, and how to distribute it through your social media channels. It's possible to build a foundation for any successful content campaign this way, but if you want to scale up your reach or start seeing a significant return on your investment, you'll need to step up your game. 

For the adept or intermediate content marketer, there are seven essential skills that will help you create better material, improve your distribution, and ultimately see better results for your campaign:

1. Research

The ability to research manifests itself in two applications, both of which are important to the quality of your content: primary and secondary research. Secondary research is easier, less intensive, and applicable to more kinds of content. It involves scouring the web for outside sources that confirm, deny, or otherwise complement the claims you're trying to make. 

Finding more of these sources (and higher authority ones at that) makes your content better-rounded, more thoroughly documented, and, of course, more trustworthy for the reader. Primary research is all firsthand audience research you've done yourself, such as a survey you've conducted or an experiment you've run. This type of original research takes time and money, but it's important to incorporate it in creating content, as it tends to produce highly original, highly valuable content.

2. Flexibility

Flexibility isn't a critical skill like research because you can't practice it or learn more about it unless you're confronted with a situation that demands it. Flexibility comes in a variety of forms; for example, you might see a handful of user comments in a short period of time asking your brand for coverage of a particular event or subject you'd otherwise avoid. 

Responding positively may be a deviation from your core strategy, but it will give your users more of what they want. You may also find a new type of content or new platform surging in popularity; flexible content marketers adopt these new opportunities seamlessly.

For instance, if a blog post suddenly becomes popular, it might be wise to integrate similar topics into your overall marketing strategy. Flexibility in your marketing campaigns can also mean quickly adapting to trends to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience.


As your content promotion gets bigger and starts to cover more ground, the need for a high organization skill increases. You'll need to organize your schedule and pattern of publication, your research leading up to your drafts, your drafts leading up to your final version, and even all your past posts for future updates and syndication needs. Without that organization, you may post inconsistently or fail to follow up on key opportunities that could lead to more organic traffic and a more loyal audience.

Additionally, honing your editing skills is crucial for ensuring that your content is clear, concise, and error-free. Effective editing can elevate the quality of your content, making it more engaging and professional, which in turn enhances the overall impact of your content marketing efforts.

4. Persuasion.

Persuasion becomes more important as your audience becomes larger and your content strategy campaign demands a higher return. On a pure content level, persuasion is especially important for opinion posts or ones that share insights. 

You'll need to use your words carefully, demonstrating personal experience and authority, emotional appeals, and raw logic to convince your target audience that your views are correct (or at least worth considering). On another level, you'll need to be persuasive in the calls to action you'll periodically embed in the body of your content. Leading users to conversion, or another part of your site, is essential if you want to start cashing in on your efforts.

5. Prediction.

Good content marketers are able to respond to new trends with new strategies and a new frame of mind. Successful content marketers are able to predict those trends and make changes before they ever get established. Because the content marketing game changes often and without warning, these changes are hard to predict, but if you look at historical patterns and pay close attention to marketing news, you should gradually build your ability to identify upcoming changes. Connect and engage with other influencers, and try to stay at least on their level—if not a little ahead of them.

6. Inter-departmental awareness

Content marketing strategy can't be pigeonholed into serving only one function. It's important and necessary for sales, Search Engine Optimization, social media marketing, general digital marketing, user experience improvement, and a dozen other applications. Knowing all these individual applications is overwhelming (if not impossible) for new content marketing specialists, but as you become more adept, it's reasonable and expected for you to be at least somewhat familiar with them. Start talking to other experts in these areas and immerse yourself in all the different functions that content creation can serve.

Staying updated on industry trends will give you a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape, allowing you to generate leads more effectively. Broadening your knowledge and key skills across these areas, you'll be better equipped to create content that aligns with your business objectives and resonates with your target audience.

7. Analysis

It's one thing to take elementary measures, like how many people visited your site compared to the previous period, but it's another thing entirely to run a specific data analysis for why a metric like that would have changed. 

You're getting more people, but why? Did you rise in search engine ranks? Why? Did they come from social media platforms? Why? Answering these questions isn't easy, and it's rarely straightforward, but you'll have to answer them if you want to continue honing your craft. To guide yourself, start setting up your efforts in easily comparable experiments—at least until you get better at reading and interpreting the raw data. 

If you're looking to move from the level of a beginner to that of an intermediate content marketer, or if you're just looking to brush up on some of your most important content marketing skills, these seven should be your priority. Like any key skill, they improve with practice, so start using them as you produce and syndicate more content and look for any opportunities to improve your approach.


Samuel Edwards

Chief Marketing Officer

Throughout his extensive 10+ year journey as a digital marketer, Sam has left an indelible mark on both small businesses and Fortune 500 enterprises alike. His portfolio boasts collaborations with esteemed entities such as NASDAQ OMX, eBay, Duncan Hines, Drew Barrymore, Price Benowitz LLP, a prominent law firm based in Washington, DC, and the esteemed human rights organization Amnesty International. In his role as a technical SEO and digital marketing strategist, Sam takes the helm of all paid and organic operations teams, steering client SEO services, link building initiatives, and white label digital marketing partnerships to unparalleled success. An esteemed thought leader in the industry, Sam is a recurring speaker at the esteemed Search Marketing Expo conference series and has graced the TEDx stage with his insights. Today, he channels his expertise into direct collaboration with high-end clients spanning diverse verticals, where he meticulously crafts strategies to optimize on and off-site SEO ROI through the seamless integration of content marketing and link building.